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Permission Granted: Take Time Each Morning to Connect to You

activate - align - anchor conspire for you universe denise b. povernick energetic foundations energetic mindset self-care the ceo's secret weapon the invincible ceo℠

Self-care is essential to every CEO's life, whether you are the CEO of a multi-million dollar company, an upstart, or your family. You go with the flow and have all the energy needed to get through your day with plenty to share. You energetically manifest consistently. Manifestation will be abundant, and your Universe will outdo your grandest expectations. An Energetically Aligned Morning Routine is a powerful way to connect you to the flow of success!




You and your body are the energy origination ground zero. From you, all energy flows. The better you care for your mind and body, the more power you get to play and manifest daily.  



When you eat processed food, breathe shallowly and do not drink enough water, and constantly overthink, your body is in crisis. This is known as:

  • fight or flight mode
  • negative creation
  • stress/anxiety


You will overwork yourself and not have the needed energy to get through your day, let alone energetically manifest consistently. Manifestation will be minimal and inconsistent.


When you eat nutritious food, breathe deep, and hydrate consistently daily, your mind becomes calm and your body strong and healthy. This is known as:

  • growth mode
  • positive creation
  • harmonious creation mode


If you do not take the time to reconnect and redefine yourself each morning as the powerful creator you are, then your world will define you to its liking. Also, when you hydrate & oxygenate consistently, your manifestations will be inconsistent & small! You cannot skip or modify steps. Energy needs water & oxygen to bring your images to life.

In the wake of every new day, you are undefined, and it is the most potent time to adopt a new story of intention. However, most people pick up their phone or computer and pick up where yesterday's old story left off with all its challenges.
Daily self-care connects you to Activate - Align - Anchor your Energetic Mindset.
When you level up, you gain greater awareness and rise about the old story and get out ahead to direct the new account and outcome, life becomes magical, and you are the manifesto of miracles.

Permit yourself small doses of self-care every day! Redefine yourself and keep the outside world at least 6 feet away! You are not yesterday's story!

~ Dede

  • Inspired Action Steps to Continue Our Conversation Together:

    •  Schedule a Discover Call with Dede to see how we can work together: CLICK HERE
    •  Schedule a Coaching Call, VIP Day or Begin a Coaching Program: CLICK HERE
    •  Check out the DIY yourself Energetic Mindset Solution Course on sale now. CLICK HERE